July 20, 2013

Diary of a Lagos working housewife - Part 8

I woke up today in a very gay mood. Sometimes I am unable to explain the reason for my excitement but I have noticed that the days I have a very good sleep, I tend to wake up earlier and happier. Yea, I know what you are thinking, given that I live in Lagos, those days seem to be very few. Sighs! 

I actually ‘crashed’ last night - that is what I call when I get so tired and nothing could have gotten me out of bed – not even the thought of breaking out with acne if I do not wash my face before hitting the sheets.  I was that fagged out!!! I even used a very harsh tone to get DD into bed. The weekend was a stressful one - just because I brought work home. It was very annoying as I couldn't watch the marathon of one of my favorite shows, running on DSTV.

Sometimes I am amazed at how work creeps on you when initially it looks like you have the whole time in the world to carry out your assigned task. Well this weekend, I learnt my lesson again, the very hard way as I had to work non-stop from about 2am to 10am on Sunday. Good thing is I got the task done but that also meant I spent the better part of the day catching up on sleep.

On a day like this, when I wake up happy and content.  I make a resolve to be a better person. Well, I have to tell you, I usually make this same rĂ©solution at the beginning of every year, every birthday, after every wedding ceremony that I attend – boy, do I love weddings!!!! And most Sundays, after listening to the sermon. How I find myself back at the position where I need to re-make my resolutions beats me. 

I think life has a way of getting at us or maybe it's just plain ol devil at work. I mean you make a resolve to be a very good person, taking everything life throws at you in good strides but something somewhere somehow just rises up to get you off the track. It could be a friend being unreasonable, a family member having unrealistic expectations or even a boss giving unreasonable deadlines. As I showered for work, I was quite excited…It is really amazing what a good night sleep can do to alleviate one’s mood.  But I have plenty of rest on most weekends…why I don’t get into such gay moods beats me. 

The day rolled by pretty well and all was very good until I started feeling a pain in my stomach. It started as a mild pain where I was still able to chat with a friend to a bout of winces and throwing up.  How I moved from my gay mood to being in so much pain still beats me. I tried all my usual first aid medication but ended up in the hospital.

As the doctor treated me, with DD running around the her office asking if I was feeling fine, my mind went back to my perceived notion in the morning.  I started to wonder, is feeling gay a premonition that something is gonna go wrong?? Maybe it is just my imagination…just maybe….

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